CSE 160 -- Prog 4

Due before midnight, Sunday, May 23, 2021.
Late submissions will not be accepted/graded.


Learn about camera control and perspective projection.


Again building on what you have from your previous program, allow users to interactively navigate through your virtual world by moving the camera, point it different ways, zoom in/out, etc. Also allow users to switch between orthographic view (what you have all this time) and a more natural looking perspective view.

Camera control allows very exciting views of your virtual world and is used from flight simulators, riding on a roller coaster, controlling your drone, or jumping into warp drive. We will have a contest for the project with the slickest camera control/animation.





Put materials in a folder named prog4 and zip it up.
Read the for instructions on how to submit your work.

Last modified Monday, 31-May-2021 08:06:34 PDT.