CMPS 160 -- Programming 4

Early if time stamp is before midnight May 26, 2016.
On time if time stamp is before midnight May 27, 2016.
Late if time stamp is after midnight May 28, 2016.
Submissions turned in after midnight May 28, 2016 will not be accepted/graded.


Add texture mapping


There is only 1 new thing that is required for this program -- add texture mapping. There are two reasons why there's only 1 new requirement: (a) I want you to fix earlier bugs from your previous assignment so that you have a basic but functional computer graphics program that does proper rendering, object manipulation, and camera control. (b) Have opportunity to make up programming points with different bonus point options.



We will run a peer-judged contest based on the extras from this program. Each of the graders will nominate their top 4 picks from the programs that they need to grade. These 20 nominees will then get a chance to give a 2-minute presentation of their program in class on the tenth week. Students get to vote for the best program, next best, etc. Winners will get recognized on the class web page for future classes, and some token prizes. However, this has no bearing on grades.


This program will form part of your CMPS 160 grade.


-10	no features.html file
-10	inadequate documentation, description, etc.
-10	not following instructions
-??     missing functionality from previous assignment that are needed to show proper
        operation of current requuirements.

please include a README file as necessary e.g. peculiar behaviors,
deviations from requirements, other notes to graders etc.

Who graded your assignment:

Daniel: aassi - dwmarx
Joseph: hesu - kmccotte
John (Andy): kyalopez - nmlamper
David: nshariat - zpeterse


Submit your index.html, features.html, and javascript code in TexMap.js. Include a README file as appropriate. Include images showing the output from your program (please put these in a folder called "images"). Zip everything up into Submission must be done using the "submit" command from

Last modified Wednesday, 01-Jun-2016 12:19:39 PDT.