CMPS 160 -- Program 3

Early if time stamp is before midnight May 12, 2016.
On time if time stamp is before midnight May 13, 2016.
Late if time stamp is after midnight May 13, 2016.
Submissions turned in after midnight May 14, 2016 will not be accepted/graded.


Create a basic scene modeler



This program will form part of your CMPS 160 grade.

10	separate html and javascript files, both well documented
10	making everything fit the viewing area
10	translation (series of translations on an object)
10	scaling (series of scaling on an object) -- in place scaling
10	rotation (series of rotations on an object) -- in place rotations
10	any order of transformation on an object
10	extra light source which can be moved around
10	correct lighting as light source is moved or as objects are moved.
10	toggle for specular lighting (if off, then diffuse only).
10	specular lighting

10	bonus -- mouse tracking during translation
10	bonus -- undo button to undo the last action, no need to keep track of chain of events.


-5	take off at least 5 points if they still can't do object selection via mouse clicks.
-5 	if they can only deal with 1 object plus the box for the light
-20	if they can only deal with 1 object and not even the box for the light

Who graded your assignment:

John (Andy): 	aassi - dpeat
David:		dstanbe - kercoffm
Daniel:		kevylet - nmlamper
Joseph:		nnakano - zpeterse


Submit your index.html file and the javascript code in SceneModeler.js. Include a README file as appropriate. Zip everything up into Submission must be done using the "submit" command from

Last modified Tuesday, 17-May-2016 20:56:22 PDT.