CMPS 160 -- Lab Assignment 1

Due date:
midnight Friday, April 8, 2016


Get familiar with Canvas and javascript.


Bonus (10 points):

You'll need to work with javascript functions. Replace the simple geometric shape (e.g. rectangle, line, circle, etc.) with a composition of simple shapes e.g. make a smiley face or your favorite emoticon, or a logo, etc. So, each time your web page is refreshed, one should see 10 instances of your complicated shape at random positions on the canvas.

Reference material:


This lab assignment will form part of your CMPS 160L grade. The other component of CMPS 160L grade is your attendance.

Here's what I told graders about grading this assignment:

10:	has header block
10:	has inline comments and comment blocks as needed
10:	javascript code in a separate file
40:	has 10 shapes visible within the canvas
20:	they're in random locations
10:	they're the same size

okay to have different colored shapes;
okay if the shapes change size but are all the same in each "run".

Who graded your assignment:

David: aassi - dtra24
Daniel: dwmarx - kmccotte
Joseph: kyalopez - nwendell
John(Andy) : oysong - zpeterse


Your lab assignment should be contained in two files: an index.html file and TenOfMyFavoriteShape.js. Put both of these in a folder called lab1. Zip up lab1 before submitting.

Submission must be done using the "submit" command from

Issue this command from

Last modified Saturday, 09-Apr-2016 10:41:16 PDT.