CSE 160 -- Prog 3

Early if time stamp is before midnight Nov 09, 2019.
On time if time stamp is before midnight Nov 10, 2019.
Late submissions will not be accepted/graded.


Apply transformations (translate, rotate, scale) to objects using direct manipulation.


Allow user to modify objects in a scene. Objects may be from a loaded scene or from one that's currently being built. Object modification means that you can move trees around, make them larger or smaller, or even rotate them. These modifications can be done in any order and are cumulative. For example, a tree can be moved, made larger, moved again, then rotated.



Read the examples in chapters 2 and 3 of the Matsuda-Lea book.



See course overview for instructions on what to submit and what not to submit.

Put materials in a folder named prog3 and zip it up. Submission must be done using Canvas.

Last modified Tuesday, 05-Nov-2019 23:12:25 PST.