CMPS 160 -- Prog 4

Early if time stamp is before midnight Nov 27, 2017.
On time if time stamp is before midnight Nov 28, 2017.
Late submissions will not be accepted/graded.


Texture mapping


A texture image is read in and applied to the GC. Fix up any remaining issues with your earlier assignments.



Read the examples in chapter 5 of the Matsuda-Lea book.


We will run a peer-judged contest based on the extras from this program. Each of the graders will nominate their top 2-3 picks from the programs that they need to grade. These 6-9 nominees will then get a chance to give a 2-3 minute presentation of their program in the last week of class. Students get to vote for the best and next best programs. Winners will get bragging rights, recognized on the class web page for future classes, and win some token prizes. However, this has no bearing on grades.



See course overview for instructions on what to submit and what not to submit.

Put materials in a folder named prog4 and zip it up. Submission must be done using the "submit" command from

Last modified Thursday, 09-May-2019 20:22:35 PDT.