CMPS 160 -- Prog 1

Early if time stamp is before midnight Oct 14, 2017.
On time if time stamp is before midnight Oct 15, 2017.
Late submissions will not be accepted/graded.


Create a 3D model and render it in wireframe. Provide toggle to display (or not display) the surface normals. Interface for reading and saving to file.


For this assignment you will provide the user with the functionality to create and render a generalized cylinder (GC) object. In addition, also provide the user with option to save the GC to a file or load a GC from a file. Your program just needs to handle a single GC at any time. Also, the GC surfaces are thin and do not have any thickness.

When your program is executed, the user will have the option of creating a GC or reading in a GC. If the user decides to read in a GC, s/he will be prompted for the filename of the GC. The file is read and GC is displayed. If the user decides to create a GC, s/he will be prompted for the filename to save the GC. The user is then presented with the interface for creating a GC, which is similar to the Lab1 assignment (details below). After the GC is created and saved, it is also displayed as a wireframe.

After a GC is displayed, the user again has an option of creating another GC or reading in a different GC to be displayed. This repeats until the user quits (by not doing anything further) i.e. the browser will display the last GC. Only one GC is displayed at a time.



Here are some sample GC images: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Check out the parser in OBJViewer code from the Matsuda-Lea book.

Here is a link to where you can find the file read and save utility functions.

How to create a toggle button

Different drawing modes



See course overview for instructions on what to submit and what not to submit.

Put materials in a folder named prog1 and zip it up. Submission must be done using the "submit" command from

Last modified Tuesday, 22-Jan-2019 09:42:16 PST.