CMPS 160 -- Lab 2

Early if time stamp is before midnight Oct 21, 2017.
On time if time stamp is before midnight Oct 22, 2017.
Late submissions will not be accepted/graded.


Render the GC surface object with diffuse lighting and flat shading.


Given the material property information, you will calculate the color for each polygon in the GC using diffuse Lambertian reflection.

Assume that each polygon in the GC has the same material information:
Ka 0 0 0
Kd 0 1 0
Ks 0 0 0
Also assume that the light source is pure white (1, 1, 1) and is coming from the direction [1, 1, 1]. The viewer is still at (0,0,∞). Render the GC but this time with flat shading and lit by the single light source.



Read the descriptions and stare at the animations several times until you understand what's going on.

Directional lighting tutorial

The followind examples from the Matsuda Lea book are relevant to this assignment:



See course overview for instructions on what to submit and what not to submit.

Put materials in a folder named lab2 and zip it up. Submission must be done using the "submit" command from

Last modified Tuesday, 22-Jan-2019 09:42:16 PST.