CMPS 160 -- Lab 1

Early if time stamp is before midnight Oct 7, 2017.
On time if time stamp is before midnight Oct 8, 2017.
Late submissions will not be accepted/graded.


Rubberband lines and GUI.


For this assignment you will provide users the functionality to draw connected line segments (polylines). The initial point is specified when the user left-clicks on a blank canvas. Subsequent points are specified by moving the mouse and left-clicking. As the user moves the mouse, a temporary line is drawn from the previous point to the current mouse position. This line is continually updated (by erasing and redrawing the line) as the mouse is moved. The polyline is terminated when the user right-clicks on the canvas.



Check out the ClickedPoints and the HelloTriangle_LINE_STRIP examples from the Matsuda-Lea book. Online resource on mouse events may also be useful.



See course overview for instructions on what to submit and what not to submit.

Put materials in a folder named lab1 and zip it up. Submission must be done using the "submit" command from

Last modified Tuesday, 22-Jan-2019 09:42:16 PST.