CSE 101 -- Prog 3

Due before midnight, Sunday, November 14, 2021.
Late submissions will not be accepted/graded.



Implement a Dictionary ADT with Hash Tables and produce an application that uses your implementation.
The application will read a document and determine the 25 most common words within that document.
In addition, it will determine the 20 longest words in that document.
Ties in frequency or length should be decided by the ascending alphabetical order of words (hint: strcmp may be useful).
The output of the application will be the same as the input but the font size and colors of those words will be changed.
The output function is provided to you.


A Dictionary ADT manages data elements that are key:value pairs. Keys are unique and comparable, while values can contain more information associated with the key. In this program, you will have two goals: The application is a text-parsing system that maintains a dictionary of words and their frequencies.
In addition you will need to be maintain a dictionary of the length of each word.
The dictionary of words should use each word as a key, the value is either a pointer to an int (Describing length or count).
You will also use the provided List ADT to help you sort the entries by word count, word length or alphabetically.
