CSE 101 -- Prog 1

Due before midnight, Sunday, October 17, 2021.
Late submissions will not be accepted/graded.



Implement List ADT and an event managing application with lists.


Your goal is to implement the list ADT and to create an application which utilizes your implementation. The application should be capable of managing two different agendas. The agendas are lists of events maintained in sorted order.




Make sure that you've compiled and tested your code on the campus unix timeshare before submitting. On the unix timeshare, put materials in a folder named prog1 and zip it up.

submit cse101-ap.f21 prog1 prog1.zip

You can submit as often as you want up until the deadline. We will only look at your most recent submission.

After each submission, you should get a message like:

Submitting the files you specified...
copying XXX

1 File submitted: 
  XXX (revision 2)
where XXX is the material you submitted.

Read the for instructions on how to submit your work.

Last modified Saturday, 30-Oct-2021 21:46:55 PDT.