Assignment #0

  1. You are strongly encouraged to work in groups on computational assignments and on the course project. A good group size is 3-5 persons. You are also encouraged to check results with other groups and work together to resolve any differences. The best way of learning in programming is to help each other and to learn from each other.

  2. Take a look at the required Cover page for your assignment reports.
    Be sure to include names of all your group members on the cover page!

  3. Find the instructor's correct email address (Hint: is NOT good!)

    Each group shall submit ONE report for each assignment, with names of all group members on the cover page. Discuss among your group (internally) and decide who is going to do the submission. When submitting a report, you are required to cc to all your group members.

  4. For each assignment, submit ONE PDF file containing all problems. You are required to include source codes as an appendix at the end of report. Do not mix the source codes with the results and discussions!

  5. Guideline for writing assignment reports:
    For each problem, you need to
    1) describe the problem you solve,
    2) describe the method you use,
    3) present the results you obtain, and
    4) discuss the results and observations.
    Basically, you should write a report that non-experts can understand so they can appreciate your work!

  6. To produce a PDF report, you need to learn
    *) how to type a report in Microsoft Word.
    *) how to include a figure in a Word document.
    *) how to generate a PDF from a Word document.