Requesting academic accommodations:

UC Santa Cruz is committed to creating an academic environment that supports its diverse student body. If you are a student with a disability who requires accommodations to achieve equal access in this course, please submit your “Accommodation Authorization Letter” from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to me privately during my office hours or by appointment, as soon as possible in the academic quarter, preferably within 1 week. I also am open to and want to encourage you to discuss with me ways I/we can ensure your full participation in this course. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to learn more about the many services offered by the DRC. You can visit their website (, make an appointment, and meet in-person with a DRC staff member. The phone number is 831-459-2089 or email

I cannot accept requests for testing accommodations that are not at least five working days prior to the exams.

Please also e-mail me the PDF of your “Accommodation Authorization Letter."

The CMPE100 Web:
Copyright 2017; Department of Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz.

Portions of the CMPE0100 Web may be reprinted or adapted for academic nonprofit purposes, providing the source is accurately quoted and duly credited.

Comments to: martine@cse.ucsc .edu (Last Update: 01/10/17 )