CMPE100 Lab Write-Ups

Your lab write-ups will be submitted as one PDF file through Canvas. They will be due about a week after the lab demo is due. The exact due dates will be announced in the lab assignment and on the CMPE100 home page.

The lab write-up consists of your report and includes the supplementary material requested for the lab as appendices. Please use your own words in the report. A good way to do this is to write the purpose, methods, results and conclusion looking only at your notebook and design, not the lab assignment page. Look at the lab assignment page only after you have a first draft to see if you are missing key elements and to make sure you provide any required answers and data in your results section. Submit the report and the supplementary material for each lab write-up on-line through eCommons as one PDF file. Please follow these directions closely.


Your lab report should be submitted as one PDF file and it should include:

On-line Submission

When you have your PDF file ready, log into Canvas ( using your Gold Cruzid account and find the CMPE 100/100L Canvas site.
Click on Assignments in the menu on the left and find the assignment corresponding to the current Lab (do not submit to a Homework assignment), for example Lab 1 Write-up.

Each lab write-up assignment in Canvas has a rubric which you may want to consult.

Lab Write-ups may be submitted up to 4 days after the due date but they will be penalized 20% for each day late. After 4 days the write-up assignment closes and you will receive a 0 and have failed both CMPE 100 and CMPE 100L. Resubmission is allowed up to the close date but late penalties will be assessed on the basis of your last submission date. Consider carefully whether resubmitting after the due date would improve your grade taking into account the late penalty.

For Labs 2 through 7 you will also be submitting your entire Vivado project as a zip file. This is separate from the Lab report(write-up).


Plagiarism is representing anothers' work as your own. This means anything which you do not create and submit without providing proper attribution.

Take a look at this sample 100L lab write-up to see a good lab report. Note that this is from an ancient offering and is missing the scans of your lab notebook pages which you must attach.

The CMPE100 Web:
Copyright 2018; Department of Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz.
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